Government says the re-launch of World Day of Prayer for students in the country will help to install a culture of love among students which at the end will bring peace, a catalyst for the attainment of the Malawi 2063 vision.
Minister of Mining, Monica Chang’anamuno made the remarks at Mbinzi Day Secondary School in Lilongwe during the re-launch of World Day of Prayer for students.
In her address Chang’anamuno urged the students to develop a relationship with God and understand what God wants from them.
“You need to know God and understand his nature. God is love and He expects you to love one another, when you love one another there would be peace and for Malawi 2063 vision to be attained, peace must prevail. Our generation is laying a strong foundation for the vision but your generation is the one to fully drive towards it’s attainment which will need peace amongst you,” the minister emphasised.
The minister, further advised learners not to indulge into unruly behaviour or support those practising the vice.
“Don’t turn yourselves into victims of peer pressure and don’t use freedom to fulfil your foolish desires and ambition as the bible discourages that,” Chang’anamuno advised.
Speaking earlier representing Secretary for Education, Deputy Director of Teacher Education and Development in the Ministry of Education, Rose Kalizang’oma, who is also Coordinator of English World Day of Prayer – School Prayers Day, said when students love one another, a safe learning environment free of teasing, bullying and all sorts of malpractices is created.
She encouraged learners to safeguard school facilities saying vandalisms will deny them and generations to come good learning environment.
“As students, be agents of change, love one another, love and respect teachers who are your mentors” she said.
Kalizang’oma also advised learners to use technology responsibly, manage time they spend on internet and be mindful of harmful content.
In his remarks, General Secretary for the Malawi Council of Churches, Reverend Alemekezeke Phiri said as the church they remain committed to encouraging students to fear God, thereby being self disciplined.
The prayers which gathered learners from various secondary schools in Lilongwe City were held under the theme: “I beg you… Bear with one another in love” drawn from Ephesians 4:1-7.