By Bashir Al Bashir

Well, the Bakili Muluzi who was on TV is not the Muluzi spread by the media, I must say, this man is a hero, intelligent , wa umunthu, opanda tsankho ngati enawa, a fighter and a patriot, may you forgive us for not acknowledging your efforts irrespective of your shortfalls just as a man.
Muluzi akanakhala enawa, awawa, bwezi atakasuma ku court, munandimanga opanda chifukwa, ndipo chipepesocho chikanaposa ndalama akufuna a reverse bank kuti abweze katapira, koma angoti ayi, zimatha, statesman.
“Tinaona kuti Ku ndale tachita, koma tafikapa tufunika economist, nkuona ndinabweretsa Bingu mu 2002,” Muluzi.
Malawi akufunika economist, koma sakuona, akuyendetsa mwakumtundu, minister of finance akhale mchewa basi, olo asakudziwa kalikonse, bola wakumtundu.
Timkakhulupilira kuti Muluzi anasiya economy ili thapysa, truth is he left when inflation was at 9%. This far, 4 presidents who managed economy to single digit, Kamuzu, Muluzi, Bingu, and APM.
“Let the president and his government reduce expenditure,” imagine coming from Muluzi, and Chakwera knows this not, Muluzi si kape.
Ndimaona ngati Tcheyayi achoke kwa anthu olephera kuja, he did a lot which is not recognised, bringing democracy alone is such a landmark, free primary school was a lit, bwanji for now, ukoko asaleko uyu ndi mlongo wakeyu, Muluzi for me deserves a special honour, tisamayamike munthu akafa, atcheya receive your flowers muli moyo.