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New York
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Chakwera to seek re-election in 2025

President Lazarus Chakwera has announced his intention to seek re-election in 2025, despite facing strong opposition from civil society organizations and opposition parties.

Speaking at a rally in Lilongwe, President Chakwera cited the country’s laws and his party’s constitution as allowing him to run for a second term.

He encouraged others to participate in the party’s internal elections, including the presidency, and urged human rights organizations to speak out against mob justice and the victimization of the elderly.

However, Chakwera’s re-election bid is likely to be contested by opposition parties and civil society organizations, who accuse him of authoritarian tendencies, suppressing dissent and failing to effectively run the country.

Former President Mutharika has also spoken out against Chakwera’s leadership, criticizing his policies and handling of the economy.

The 2025 elections will be a crucial test for Malawi’s democracy.

Chakwera’s re-election bid will be closely watched by regional and international observers.

The opposition is expected to mount a strong challenge and the outcome is far from certain.

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