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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Umodzi Party hails Chakwera for completing Mutharika’s projects

By Thumbiko Nyirongo

The Umodzi Party (UP) has praised President Lazarus Chakwera’s Tonse Alliance administration for completing development projects initiated by former President Peter Mutharika.

In an exclusive interview on Thursday, UP President Thomas Wezzie Kaumba commended President Chakwera for his selfless decision to continue projects started by his predecessor, Mutharika.

“As a party, we rate the Chakwera administration 80%. The president has done exceptionally well in completing development projects initiated by Mutharika. Not all leaders can complete projects started by their predecessors,” Kaumba said.

However, Kaumba criticized the administration for failing to address the hunger crisis in the country, urging President Chakwera to take immediate action to address the issue affecting many Malawians, particularly in rural areas.

Regarding the Tonse Alliance partnership, Kaumba expressed satisfaction with President Chakwera’s management, attributing any dissent to selfish ambitions among some partners.

“So far, so good. The alliance is working well. Those who are unhappy are doing so because they were not given top government positions. They joined the alliance for their own interests, not for the benefit of Malawians,” he said.

Kaumba also lamented the slow pace of development in the country, blaming it on a few greedy politicians who steal from public coffers, and citing the multiparty system of government as a hindrance to meaningful development strides.

“We are not making meaningful development progress because of a few selfish politicians who prioritize their interests over the nation’s.

The multiparty system has created an environment where politicians focus on personal gain rather than serving the people,” he added.

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