Renowned political think-tank and seasoned political scientist Dr Imuran Shareef Mahomed has today joined the ‘”Chihana train” road to 2025 with an aim of uplifting the socioeconomic development of the poor.
In his remarks, Mahommed hailed Chihana leadership for transforming the party which in the past was regarded as regional one.
In his welcoming remarks, Chihana said the coming of such intellectual from institution of high learning means the Alliance for Democracy -AFORD is answer to the socioeconomic problems Malawians are facing under the Tonse Alliance government.
“AFORD has come not only to compete but to deliver, change the lives of poor Malawians who are now grappling with hyper inflation, trade imbalance, budget deficits, corruption among others. We are here to fix this nation for the betterment of our people including civil servants who are complaining of poor wages and condition of services,” said Chihana who was accompanied by his Vice, comrade Timothy Mtambo.
Chihana also took time to dare government on its pledge to crackdown on those who are speaking against poor economic policies, calling the tactic “rubbish and primitive”.
Dr Imuran Shareef once served as Secretary General of Muslim Association of Malawi and Public Affairs Committee. He is currently a lecture at Mzuzu University.
He brings to AFORD huge experience in terms of governance and socioeconomic policies.
The function took place at Chihana’s Residence in Mzuzu ahead of the mass rally tomorrow in Hewe, Rumphi.