By Alinafe Nyanda
In a powerful and impassioned speech delivered on Tuesday at Bingu International Conference Center (BICC) in Lilongwe during a press briefing, Dr Matthews Chinombo Mtumbuka announced his decision to join active politics.
The event, provided a platform for Dr Mtumbuka to reflect on legacy of former vice president Dr Soulos Kalus Chilima, share his commitment to upholding democracy, and his interest to contest for the position of presidency of UTM.
He began by describing late Chilima as a freedom fighter, pragmatic and fearless leader, democrat, and mentor then asked for votes from UTM members as the party is expected to go for a convention on 1 November this year.
Dr Mtumbuka assured Malawians that he will transform the country when voted into power, in all sectors including health, education, agriculture and mining sectors, which he believes are essential for growing the economy and transforming the nation.
He underscored that time has come for Malawi to start implementing the ideas to help spur develop and citizens to thrive,
Mtumbuka has since assured that as a person who has worked in the corporate sector in different countries and delivered positive results, likewise, he will ensure that citizens collectively build the nation.