By Wongani Mkandawire
Mr. President,

As I pen this letter, my heart bleeds for the innocent civil servants who have been subjected to unimaginable humiliation and abuse by MCP officials. The reports of forced kneeling for 2 hours have left me shaken, and I implore you to take immediate action.
How can a government that promises to serve and protect its citizens resort to such dehumanizing tactics? What message does this send to the world about our nation’s values? The very thought of our dedicated public servants, who work tirelessly to build our nation, being reduced to kneeling before power-drunk officials is nothing short of heartbreaking.
These are not just statistics or nameless faces; they are mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters who deserve dignity and respect. They are the backbone of our nation, working tirelessly to provide essential services. Must they be punished for serving their country?
Mr. President Show commitment, Investigate these heinous acts, Hold perpetrators accountable, Protect civil servants’ rights and dignity
We elected you to lead our nation with compassion, justice, and integrity. The world watches as Malawi’s reputation hangs in the balance.
History will judge your actions. Will you stand for justice or turn a blind eye?
Wongani MKandawire.