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New York
Monday, October 28, 2024

YAS condemns MCP ‘thugs’ for lawlessness

Youth and Society (YAS) strongly condemned alleged Malawi Congress Party (MCP) supporters’ violent actions in Msundwe, Lilongwe.

“Such acts not only undermine the rule of law but also strike at the very heart of democracy and the freedoms Malawians hold dear,” stated YAS Executive Director Charles Kajoloweka.

The group blocked roads, searched vehicles and harassed attendees at a Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) rally, disregarding fundamental rights protected by law.

“The Malawi Police Service has a duty to investigate these incidents without bias and bring perpetrators to justice,” Kajoloweka urged.

YAS demands accountability, stronger assurances of law enforcement neutrality and MCP discipline against involved members.

“Violence has no place in a democratic society. Democracy is built on mutual respect, tolerance and free exchange of ideas,” Kajoloweka emphasized.

The incident occurred amidst heightened tensions ahead of 2025 elections.

DPP spokesperson Shadreck Namalomba confirmed attacks on party members, including an MP.

MCP spokesperson Jessie Kabwira distanced the party from violence, encouraging DPP to report incidents to police.

Source: Youth and Society statement, MIJ Online, Malawi News.

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