By Harold Kapindu

Joe Kellz has today, November 28, released a new music video titled “Vidutswa” in preparation for his Zanga festival on Saturday, November 30.
In an interview with Malawi Voice, Joe Kellz said the festival is dubbed “Zanga” extracted from the 4 track EP that he released earlier this year.
“It’s my way of giving back to the support that my community has always given me since the beginning of my music career,” he said.
He added, “I have chosen to do it in Likuni because it’s where I grew up and I would like to celebrate together with my community as well as give other up and coming artist a platform to showcase their talents.”
“Vidutswa” song is also taken from Zanga EP.
Real name Kelvin Jonathan Pangani, Joe Kellz is a former Zathu Band member.
Watch “Vidutswa” on