Constituents from Blantyre North East are planning to hold vigils at the Blantyre District Commissioner’s (DC) to force their Member of Parliament Susan Ndalama to account for part of the funds from the Constituncy Development Fund (CDF).

MP Susan Ndalama: In Hot Soup
Speaking to Malawi Voice, representative of the Constituents Robert Matias said for example, they want their legislator to explain why she has failed to construct bridges at Lunzu- Chilaweni and on Lirangwe rivers for the past 10 years she has been their Member of Parliament.

Bridge On Paper

The Bridge On The Ground
It is revealed that, in August 2020, Ndalama launched the construction of a bridge at Chambwinja- Chipande worthy about K20 million, but the work remains unfinished up to date, even though all the funds planned for the project were withdrawn from the CDF busket.

The constituents are also accusing their parliamentarian of trading lies as official records are indicating that Chaweta Primary School was electrified to the tune of K16 million.
But a visit at facility, however proved that the said school remain un-electrified.

“So, it not politics nor out of malice for us to be demanding accountability. CDF is tax-payers’ money and any one who abuses has to be held accountable,” said Matias.

No Bridge Insight
He added that, recently, the MP collected names, phone numbers and national ID numbers from the Constituency claiming that she would send them some money aswell as facilitating maize distribution, a pledge he said was never kept.
“This has fueled speculations that it was all a voter rigging scheme,” he said.
Matias further claimed that there are speculations that the parliamentarian is channeling the CDF funds to campaign for her two children who are contesting for parliamentary seats in Machinjiri and Chiradzulu, respectively, the claim Malawi Voice has not independently verified.
Efforts to speak to Ndalama on Saturday afternoon proved futile as phones was unreachable.