The claim that he is “not getting out of power” is both reckless and insulting to suffering Malawians. Leadership is not a personal possession but it is a responsibility given by the people and, ultimately, by God. Daniel 2:21 reminds us that “God deposes kings and raises up others.” No leader is eternal, and when people suffer under failed leadership, Proverbs 29:2 warns that it is time for change.
Bwana President don’t be deceived , the same people urging you to stay in power are the ones looting government resources. Conduct a lifestyle audit on your men and women, you’ll see they’re not defending you, they’re protecting their stolen wealth.
Many of those discussing your removal are the very same people who voted for you in 2020. These are not lazy Malawians. They are hardworking men and women who are trying their best to make ends meet but are failing because of the economic crisis your government has created. Young people who hustle daily, small business owners struggling to keep their shops open, professionals whose salaries are worthless due to inflation—these are the Malawians demanding change.
Many of those discussing your removal are the very same people who voted for you in 2020. Over a million UTM supporters who believed in your ability to deliver their manifesto of three meals a day, 1 million jobs, mega farms, an end to corruption and nepotism, stop zokhapana pa ndale, and respect for the alliance agreement. They feel betrayed.
Even among MCP supporters, many expected you to restore Kamuzu’s vision, including reviving ADMARC. But what have you done? You’ve only given ADMARC K60 billion to buy maize, while your own State House has been given K67 billion when just a few years ago, State House operated on K5 billion to K10 billion per year , yet now, it receives more money than the institution meant to prevent hunger. This is betrayal.
Once a powerful slogan in the Central Region, Kwachaaa is now lifeless. Recently in Salima, some of your people, realizing the crowd was unresponsive, started handing out K10,000, K50,000, even K100,000 to buy enthusiasm. This is not leadership , it is bribery and desperation.
Your disregard for the agreement with the late Dr. Chilima and UTM has not gone unnoticed. Real men of God are discussing your removal, not out of politics, but because they know the spiritual consequences of supporting dishonest leadership. Those who serve God in spirit and truth cannot stand behind broken promises.
Branding those demanding change as looters is dishonest. These are the same Malawians who once shouted ITSANANA with pride. Today, they cannot even bring themselves to say the word. That should tell you everything.
The same Malawians who put you in power have the constitutional right to remove you. The era of deception is over. The era of excuses is over. Malawi demands better.