Apart from being Vice President, Chilima is Minister of Economic Planning and Development. Which part of development do some of you don’t understand? The ministry has the monitoring and evaluation section whose mandate is as follows; monitor and evaluate projects and programmes implemented at national, sectoral, district and community levels, with an aim of promoting results- based management and accountability in the Government. (Titanthauzire muchichewa kapena)
In this regard, the Division produces, quarterly, mid-year and annual Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) review reports from time to time to inform management and the general public on the physical and financial progress of the various projects.
The Division also documents lessons learnt and makes recommendations for future programming. The Division is also responsible for coordinating vulnerability assessments and institutionalisation of Community Based Monitoring and Evaluation, among others.
The Division has two sections namely: (i) Poverty Monitoring and (ii) Projects and Programmes.
The following are the core functions of the Division:
Conducting monitoring and evaluation of development projects and programmes in the Public Sector Investment Programme;
Conducting Policy Impact Assessment;Reviewing Performance of National Development Strategies;
Conducting poverty and vulnerability analysis;
Conducting Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys;
Building capacity in monitoring and evaluation in sectoral ministries and District Councils;
and Reviewing International Development Strategies/ Goals (SDGs)
All the activities and programmes carried out in the Division are guided by the National Monitoring and Evaluation Master Plan.
The Plan provides the main framework for monitoring of economic and social development policies and programmes in the country.
It presents a detailed and sequenced action plan that is used for input, output, results, outcome and impact monitoring and evaluation.
The Plan has got five components which are: National Development Strategy (NDS) monitoring; poverty, vulnerability and inequality (PVI) monitoring; impact monitoring; development management information systems (DMIS); and a communication and advocacy initiative.
At the core of the Master Plan, is a system that links various monitoring and evaluation aspects into one organized and coordinated framework through the M&E National Coordination Committee supported by M&E Technical Working Group.————-Umbuli ndi Khwidzi zachuluka ku Malawi kuno.