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Saturday, October 5, 2024

EXCLUSIVE: MCP 2025 Strategy Exposed in Leaked Doc

A document in our custody has exposed a 2025 strategy for the lead partner in the Tonse Alliance administration, the Malawi Congress Party (MCP), which among others aims at ‘finishing off’ its alliance partner, the UTM.

The eight paged leaked document in our custody entitled ‘Roadmap to 2025 Consolidating and Strengthening the Party seeks to keep the MCP to power beyond 2025, by weakening UTM which they described as a ‘Threat’.

“We must also remember that this is a coalition government with all partnering parties, may be minus AFORD, are all off shoots and are founded on the non-ideological political foundations of UDF and recently DPP.

“We must also not forget that our key partner, UTM, is key in changing the political Landscape and the mindset of the majority Malawians,” reads the leaked document in part

It further reads: “Our existence in power is therefore threatened by our own presumed partners and the possibility of all of them trecking to the other side of the political stream to form another alliance with DPP and UTM at the helm of the structure.”

The strategy which has been developed by a Special Task Force within the party also aims at making MCP most popular party in the Central Region and among the Chewas, thereby making it a tribal and regional party in the process. For more, attached is the entire strategy paper.

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  1. It seems instead of moving forward these goons have engaged a reverse gear. The so called popularity strategy is not working. An organisation or person becomes popular through various means. Unfortunately, MCP has not achieved any aorta of the expected dreams. From a glance at their ill-planned joke, the time frame instituted is not feasible, unless you are possibly planning things only up to a branch level. Not surprising therefore that managing a country is becoming a nightmare. No matter how much money you spend on luring and garnering support from the Southern, Eastern and Northern regions, with this flawed strategy you will achieve zero. These structural war-gaming go together with intelligence and pragmatism. If the head is dead you don’t expect the limbs to be active. Leadership is where your malaise originates from. You may try to do what others have done in the past but productivity will still be nil. That is more like flogging a dead horse expecting it to win you a race.

    I am sure by now Chakwera must have swallowed his pride. A couple of years ago him and his friend went to town mocking the credentials APM wielded. They said he wasn’t fit as a leader and a professor of law. Few years down the line a professor need not climb a hill to announce his presence and achievements but the works of his creativity speaks aloud on its own. Today Malawians are able to tell who is a doer of things and who is a parrot; who is a leader and who is a follower, which bucket is full and which one is empty. They say proof of the pudding is in the eating. In a nutshell, MCP cartoons just go back to your drawing board and replan because from the look of it you guys haven’t started doing anything. The Canaan journey you loudly talked about will lead us into another precarious wilderness. Kuzionera kuchokera ku ma stand. I still remember the bragging by Zeze that “Tinawawinitsa ndi ife amenewa”. If you helped why can’t you help in taking the populace to prosperity as promised? The strategy as crafted by MCP “Think-tank” is basically on arrival.


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