One on the country’s known Prophetic Ministries, Holy Palace Cathedral International Ministries, says preparations for this year’s Crossover night of prayers slated for 31st of December 2023 at Robins Park in Blantyre are at an advanced stage.
In an exclusive interview with the publication on Friday leader and founder of the ministry Senior Prophet Rodrick Mtupa said like every year, during the day there will be several performances to spice the event.
“All is set for the cross over night on December 31 at Robins Park in Blantyre,” said Prophet Rodrick Mtupa, adding that the cross over night will be spiced with music performances by Kamuzu Barracks, Miracle Chinga among others.
The highly respected God’s servant, Senor Prophet Mtupa further said people should expect Prophecies, Healings, Salvation and Deliverance at the Crossover.
Prophet Mtupa is on the record to have prophesied correctly about John Tembo’s death, Blantyre City Council fracas with Limbe Vendors, Malawi National Football Team poor performance and Tikwere House Fire among others.
Prophet Mtupa, whose several of his national prophecies have already been fulfilled, reminded the general public that national prophecies are made not to scare people but to make them prepare, pray and fast against any evils ahead.
The man of God has then hinted on the need for the public to always take a spiritual action whenever there is a national prophesy from any God servant.