Malawians have taken to the Mwebantu Facebook page from Zambia to mock their neighboring country’s misfortune after a statement was shared announcing emergency power rationing due to a technical issue.
The statement from ZESCO Limited, Zambia’s power utility company, revealed a loss of 47 Megawatts on the national grid from Ndola Energy, resulting in longer power rationing times for customers.
Malawians flooded the comments section with jokes and taunts, ridiculing Zambia’s reliance on backup lighting sources.
“Looks like Zambia has taken the phrase ‘lights out’ to a whole new level!” wrote one commenter..
Some commenters even shared memes and photos of candles and flashlights, further poking fun at Zambia’s situation.
Zambians responded defensively, pointing out Malawi’s own struggles, including a recent fuel shortage.
The lighthearted banter has sparked a lively conversation on the Mwebantu Facebook page, with both sides enjoying the good-natured teasing.
only for Malawians?
i mean, come on i would also make fun of our power situation here in zambia lol