One Facebook commentator Gareth Suluma has faulted the Finance Minister Simplex Chithyola Banda for distributing huge sums of money at a political rally.

This is not the first time Chithyola Banda has come under spotlight for distributing money.Suluma argued that Chithyola Banda was supposed to borrow a leaf from his predicessors such as Goodall Gondwe who displayed financial prudence.
Said Suluma: “A Finance Minister is supposed to lead, instil and exercise financial prudence and discipline. Look at the former Ministers Sostain Gwengwe, Felex Mlusu, Joseph Mathyola Mwanamvekha, late Dr Goodall Gondwe, late Prof. Mathews Chikaonda, Dr Cassim Chilumpha, Dr Maxwell Mkwezalamba, late Aleke Banda, Dr Ken Lipenga and Ken Kandodo Banda among many others who held this portfolio in the past.
“Who, among these, distributed money wantonly the way Simplex Chithyola Banda is doing today under Alaza? His unprofessional behaviour can help bring instability in the economy since he is the government’s purse keeper. As a nation, we should be concerned about the safety of our taxes.”
During the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) convention, the finance minister was also criticised for distributing money.